

Chocolate Malt Martini - Ice Cream Martinis Continued

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I recently posted several ice cream and popsicle inspired martinis inspired by some of my favorite childhood frozen treats. The whole episode got me on an ice cream kick so I've decided to add a couple more this week based on my current ice cream favorites, Chocolate Malts, Banana Splits and Hot Fudge Sundaes. If I go to an ice cream parlor these are the three things I customarily order.

Today is the Chocolate Malt Martini. I do Chocolate Martinis often and I always have a jar of chocolate malt powder in my cupboard to make chocolate malts. I decided to do some experimenting with that chocolate malt powder.

The first recipe I tried had Bailey's Irish Cream in it instead of the vanilla vodka. Nope, that didn't work - the Bailey's overpowered the flavor of the malt powder even with the malt ball rim! Then I decided to try the vanilla vodka to pump up the vanilla ice cream component and, bingo, a lovely Chocolate Malt Martini!

This is a fun and playful treat that will truly impress your happy hour guests and it's also a great way to serve dessert - Enjoy!

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