

Happy National Tootsie Roll Day! Tootsie Martini & Trivia.

Did you know that Tootsie Rolls were the first wrapped penny candy to be sold in the United States? Of course, that was back in the day when you could buy a piece of candy for a penny.  Tootsie Rolls were named for Clara Hirshfield, the daughter of creator Leo Hirshfield, whose nickname for her was Tootsie.

Created in 1896 by Mr. Hirshfield in his small candy shop in New York City, Tootsie Rolls have changed very little from his original recipe and are still the same chewy, chocolaty goodness that we all know and love.

Tootsie Rolls have long been a favorite of mine and I still keep a bag in the house to this day.  It's said that the company includes a portion of the previous day's batch so that, ". . . . there's (theoretically) a bit of Leo's very first Tootsie Roll in every one of the sixty four million Tootsie Rolls that Tootsie produces each day." 

I don't know how much of that original Tootsie Roll is still in my Tootsie Midgee but it's a nice thought, isn't it?

Celebrate with my

February 23rd is National Tootsie Roll Day.

Cheers & Enjoy your Toot-Toot Tootsie Martini today!

Updated 7-2018


In honor of this Sunday's airing of The 84th ACADEMY AWARDS, here's a little Oscar Trivia for you:
  • The official name of the golden statue is the Academy Award of Merit. Bette Davis makes the claim that she named the statuette after her first husband, bandleader Harmon Oscar Nelson.
  • You cannot buy an Oscar. The winners or their heirs may not sell the statuettes without first offering to sell them back to the Academy for $1. If the winner does not agree to this stipulation the Academy keeps their statuette. Prior to 1950 this stipulation was not in place and Oscars fetched as high as six figures.
  • In 1981, the Academy Awards were delayed for one day, due to the shooting of President Ronald Reagan.
  • The first televised Academy Awards show was the 25th annual, held on March 19, 1953.

And just in case you missed it and need a laugh, here's Will Ferrel and Jack Black singing the 'GET OFF THE STAGE' Oscar song.

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