I love chocolate covered strawberries and, because I do, one of the first cocktail recipes I ever created was this chocolate strawberry martini. I got to enjoy my favorite dessert as a cocktail and it started me on my mission of creating culinary cocktails for as many of those ubiquitous food holidays as possible.
For me those food holidays do serve a purpose beyond promoting some food or business, they inspire new cocktail recipes. Interestingly enough (though there are Chocolate Covered Anything, Nuts and even Raisins Days) there is no Chocolate Strawberry Day, no Chocolate Covered Strawberry Day, not even a Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Day.
Therefore, in honor of my mom who loved chocolate strawberries and since someone has already created a fake food holiday and gotten away with it, I declare August 29th (Mom's birthday) Chocolate Strawberry Day!
My original recipe for this cocktail was very sweet and lacked complexity so, to celebrate this new (entirely legit) food holiday, I've remastered this chocolate strawberry cocktail. I added a perky herbal touch of very dry vermouth and some extra depth with some chocolate bitters. It's still a sweet cocktail, but now it's got some character.
Updated 8-2021