On Monday I posted my
Cafe Au Lait Martini and also promised to post another caffeine loaded martini this last Wednesday. I didn't because I lost a friend the day before and was just not up to my regular Martini energy - even ones with caffeine. My apologies and I hope you understand.
Here it is a few days late, but better late than never, right? Enjoy the Drunk at Starbucks Martini, I hope it keeps you alert, but remember the caffeine is not a balance for alcohol in your system and please enjoy responsibly and do not drink and drive.
This martini is dedicated to my friend Joyce Mason of
Hot Flashbacks, Cool Insights because Joyce has given me a much needed injection of energy these last few weeks and she's better than any caffeine laden martini for perking me up!
If you have a Martini question, please feel free to ask me in a comment and I'll respond back here in the comments section or in a new post!
Appetizer recipes to go with your martinis at The Diva of Tiny Foods!
Buy Great Products at The Martini Diva Boutique