Image copyright © by Natalie Phillips 2010. Image used with permission of The Bewildered Brit.
My friend, Richard, over at The Bewildered Brit blog is always finding great, fun nostalgia and retro goodies I love to read about - especially since I do some retro blogging myself over at The PopArtDiva Blog on occasion.
So, when I dropped by for a visit and found this giant martini glass I was tickled pink - who wouldn't love a martini glass this size?? Richard ponders just what the cocktail might be in this giant green martini glass with the lime garnish - I'm voting for one of my favorite martinis - The Key Lime Pie Martini which can be easily garnished with a wedge of lime and fits the color of this giant martini perfectly.
It's interesting to note this might not be such a giant martini glass these days - martini glasses seem to be getting larger and larger - Crate and Barrel offers a 13oz. martini glass! I myself happen to have several over sized martini glasses
- one large enough to serve a whole bag of chips in! Lolita even offers some with hand-painted holiday designs
Once upon a time a standard martini glass would accommodate a gin or vodka martini of around 1.5 to 3 ounces with allowances for dropping in a garnish - about a 4 to 4.5 oz. glass. That was in the days when a martini was gin or vodka with a splash of vermouth, primarily all alcohol. These days designer martinis have changed the rules and martinis and martini glasses come in a range of sizes, not to mention shapes!
There is something to be said for a smaller glass - especially in a classic "up" martini (without ice). A smaller glass allows for a cold drink all the way to the last sip. The larger the glass the longer it takes to drink the cocktail and the warmer the drink becomes. But the trend is towards "super sizing", possibly because of the fast food trend, maybe because the price of cocktails seems to be soaring at drinking establishments, or maybe because our society has a belief that "bigger is better". Many happy hour patrons would agree with this but then I doubt they've ever faced a martini the size of this one at the Party Block Pool Bar in Ocean City, Maryland!
My martini recipes can range from 3 ounces all the way up to 7 ounces depending on the recipe and mixers involved and I have martini glasses in an assortment of sizes - but then I'm a crazed martini glass collector!
I'd sure like to add this one to my collection. I don't have a cabinet or shelf big enough for it but I can see it on my roof!
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