And don't mention bottled or {{shudder}} powdered sour mixes to me, those chemical bombs are no substitute for fresh limes in a Daiquiri (or any other cocktail.) I haven't had commercial sour mixes in my bar for years. I've been known to batch some fresh homemade sour style mix made with lime or lemon juice and simple syrup when serving a large number of guests, but even then I toss the remainder out after the cocktails are served. Why? Because citrus starts to go down in quality and flavor the minute you cut it open. But no worries there because I HAD NO LIMES!!
So I did what any self respecting, upset woman would do, I grabbed the chocolate and ice cream. Though this cocktail is pretty far removed from a Daiquiri, it still turned out pretty delicious, and the endorphins from the chocolate curbed my bad mood. The booze helped too. Plus, the addition of the Fernet Branca and sea salt kept it from being ruthlessly sweet.
2 Oz. Dark Rum
1-1/2 Oz. White Creme de Cacao
1-1/2 Tsp. Fernet Branca
1 Oz. Cream of Coconut
1/2 Banana
1 Scoop Fudge Ripple Ice Cream
1/4 Tsp. Sea Salt
4 Ice Cubes
GARNISH: Melted chocolate for rim and chocolate decoration(s), 3 (6) banana slices, 3 (6) chocolate dipped coconut flakes
TOOLS: Pastry brush, Parchment paper, Blender, Double rocks glass (or two coupes)
Brush the melted chocolate on your glass rim(s) from the top down then chill glass(es) in the freezer.
With the extra melted chocolate do triple layer brush strokes on the parchment paper to create the chocolate decoration(s) then place in fridge to set up the chocolate.
Add all the cocktail ingredients to your blender and pulse until the ice is blended in and you have a smoothie consistency.
Pour into your chilled glass(es) and place the chocolate brushstroke(s) across the top. Add your 3 (6) banana slices and top those with the chocolate coconut flakes. Sprinkle a little extra sea salt over the top(s) and serve.
Not a cocktail for everyone, but if you're craving a little indulgence and are in a snarky enough mood to ignore the calories, pretty satisfying.

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