I love fudge. I love hot fudge. But I'm REALLY fussy about my fudge and my hot fudge, no grainy dry fudge or faux fudge chocolate syrup will do. I make my own fudge and I buy only one brand of hot fudge and that's Mrs. Richardson's. And, no, I'm not getting paid to say that. It's just the only commercial hot fudge that tastes like actual (good) fudge, you can literally eat it with a spoon right from that jar. When I'm too lazy to actually make fudge that's exactly what I do.
That's why I knew it had to be used as the main flavor ingredient in my new cocktail for National Fudge Day. The only problem with Mrs. Richardson's as a cocktail ingredient is the fact it doesn't come in a liquid state. You have to turn it into a liquid without heating it because once it cools down again it reverts back to its semi-solid state. My answer to this was to dilute it, and since this was for a cocktail, to dilute it with booze.
The obvious spirit to use would be vodka but I already have a Hot Fudge Sundae Martini that used vodka so I went with another alcohol that goes great with fudge and that's rye whiskey. I took some Mrs. Richardson's and stirred it into some rye until I got a syrup and I was ready to go.
TheHOT FUDGECocktail
INGREDIENTS2 Teaspoons Mrs. Richardson's Hot Fudge mixed into2 Oz. Rye Whiskey until dissolved.1/2 Oz. Coffee Liqueur2 Dashes Coffee BittersPinch of Smoked Salt
Garnish: Piece of Homemade Fudge
Tools: Cocktail Shaker
Glass: Nick & Nora
DIRECTIONSChill your glass.Add ingredients to an ice filled cocktail shaker.Shake until chilled.Pour into your chilled glass.Garnish with the homemade fudge.
That's it, a rich and decadent fudge cocktail to celebrate National Fudge Day on June 16th - or whenever you're in the mood for fudge.